Deep Dip 5: Jack Parsons Revisited! (Freedom is a Two-edged Sword pt.2)

We revisit the essay by Jack Parsons, delving into the remaining two chapters that we didn’t get to last time, and more fully exploring the paper’s goal of clarifying the […]
Parenting/Caregiving a Conflict of Will? pt.1

Today my guest and I chat about being in a position of responsibility towards others, whether as a parent, caregiver, etc, and how this relates to the personal Will.
Deep Dip 4: 8 Lectures on Yoga: Asana & Pranayama

This time, we dive into one of the lectures in Aleister Crowley’s Eight Lectures on Yoga. The first half of the book, ‘Yoga for Yahoos,’ is based on the the […]
More on Visualization, with EDWARD MASON

Building on our previous discussion on visualization and mental focus in Magick Ritual, EDWARD MASON and I explore various practical considerations and anecdotes from experience.
Deep Dip 3: Jack Parsons’ Essay, Freedom is a Two-edged Sword

This time, we dive into the essay on Freedom by notorious Thelemite and one of the founding members of the Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL), Jack Parsons. This rallying cry for […]
Visualization & Mental Focus, with EDWARD MASON

Edward Mason and I discuss the role and importance of Mental Focus and Visualization in Magick and mystical practices.
Deep Dip 2: Liber CL, De Lege Libellum

We take a deep dive into this little book on the Law and its four Rays: Liberty, Love, Life and Light. Essentially Crowley’s distillation of the Law of Thelema, it’s […]
Fun with Planetary Crises, with EDWARD MASON

Anxiety about pestilence, war, famine and climate crisis abounds. How does the Book of the Law counsel us? It doesn’t give easy answers… and that’s the point. EDWARD MASON and […]
Deep Dip 1: The Tao Teh King, Aleister Crowley’s Translation vs. James Legge’s

In the first of our Deep Dip series, where we take a deep dive into a particular book or subject, we examine Crowley’s translation of the Tao Teh King of […]
Mental Health and Initiatory Orders, with EDWARD MASON

In our inaugural episode, I discuss mental health as it pertains to Golden Dawn-style Initiatory Orders with EDWARD MASON, former Warden of the Temple of Our Lady of the Stars.